

IntimatesShot.com is a personal online photo gallery.
In this website I will try to upload new photos at least monthly. It will be my pleasure to receive any comments and suggestions about photos and website design.
Anyway, I hope this site can be considered as a small contribution to the photography art.
Photography is an art being created by those who have adifferent view. Everyone in the world has a different view, so different people may take same photos by different ideas, or saw them by different view.
When you see a scene and you are impressed and you want to transfer this view to others, we can say that you need the knowledge of sociology to do this. So, all the arts, as well as photography, are a kind of social art.
Sharing artworks by artists and allowing audiences to comment on them is a method to develop communities that will ultimately help the art to get improved.
With the developments in technology, communication has changed from face to face, to online communication on the virtual networks.

According to above remarks, this website is also being created in order to upgrade that communication. So please do not hesitate to send your comments.

Mohammad Ansari



Photos & Words Album is a collection of the some of my photos that remind me a word or a poem, has been preparing in December 2012. So beside of each photo in this album, some words are also included.

All texts in this album is in Persian language.

For better understanding of this collection, it’s recommended to read the foreword first.

This’s an e-Album and you can download it here for free and in three size:


Download (small-13 MB)

Download (medium-24 MB) Recommended

Download (large-50 MB)





Travel, is a chance to give us the opportunity for having a better look of our world.

When you stay in the same place for a long time, things will be seen same and repetitive for you. Indifference to the surrounding is the one of the bad results of this lifestyle.

If we want to use as metaphor; the lives is more excitement if we live like a river instead of mere.

When we're traveling, everything looks new to us, new is always good and exciting, new things do attract our attention, and will open our eyes that were closed because of the monotony of life.

Better look with open eyes, make better understanding the world of around us, make us to know better other people and get to know ourselves better.


The photography also needs the open eyes and a good understanding of the surroundings too. So for taking better photos, traveling is a great way and of course sometimes is inevitable.


Photography is like life and life is like photography, they have the same rules.